I have been out in Churchill today looking at highways issues on Stakenbridge Lane, in particular meeting with local residents at Stakenbridge Farm and seeing myself the recent damage following a road traffic collision.
I am already working with the Parish Council and Worcestershire County Council (WCC) highways to tackle these issues, having held a site visit back in October. WCC are currently looking at what additional highway signage they can install to remind drivers that it is 30mph and of the bend and narrow road by the railway bridge. I have already worked with the Parish Council in this area, having funded flashing signage and gateways at Churchill Crossroads and have committed to funding a further fixed or moveable flashing speed sign in this location.
Speed enforcement is ultimately the responsibility of the Police and I will again be making the case for the police to be proactive in this area.
I have also facilitated a meeting with the Police and the Parish Council to authorise a community speedwatch scheme within the Parish.
As your county and district councillor I will do all I can to tackle this issue.