Cllr Marcus Hart reporting back:
I was delighted to have facilitated, in conjunction with Churchill and Blakedown Parish Council a meeting for local residents to come and raise their concerns regarding speeding and highways issues on Stakenbridge Lane.
Issues were also raised regarding Rocky Lane and Churchill Lane. Sadly, despite my invitation no Police representative was able to attend. The issues largely centred around speeding and I have undertaken to raise this directly with the police. WCC highways, of which a representative was present last night, have undertaken to consider residents’ ideas and rest assured I will lobby to ensure that all lining and signing and any appropriate engineering solutions are undertaken. I am prepared to find from my devolved funding a new flashing warning sign in with the Parish Council and WCC highways are looking at installing a pull in place for the Police to enable them to carry out speed enforcement.
I will be reporting back further to local residents in due course but it was a pleasure to be able to meet and talk to approximately 50 residents at Churchill Village Hall on Tuesday evening. Thank you to the Parish Council for their help.