County Councillor Marcus Hart says, “Further to my communication at the beginning of June and my updates on 23rd June and 30th June, I can confirm that I have received a number of comments and complaints about the work undertaken by highways contractors between 23rd – 25th June, which I alluded to in my 30th June update. Rest assured I have raised this with senior highways officers and I was on the estate last weekend looking at the issues for myself. I was in liaison with our local highways engineer, a senior officer and also spoke directly with the cabinet member for highways to raise my ongoing concerns. I met with our highways engineer on 30th June as previously mentioned. I spoke with a senior officer again at length about this matter on 1st July and have today received this written update which I am sharing for the benefit of all Spennells residents”:-
“As we discussed I have visited the Spennells Estate again and had a good drive around many of the roads in question. I do believe that the use of the 3mm to dust aggregate on the key locations, has settled down the scuffing and tracking that occurred during the hot weather last week. There are still a few locations where further use of the 3mm aggregate would provide some benefit. There is a small amount of excess dust/fine chippings at the treated locations, which however hard we try when completing the spot/localised treatment, will leave a slight visual difference between this and the general surface dressing. However, I do recognise from an aesthetic perspective for the residents in the cul-de-sacs affected and small number of other locations, that they may be frustrated with how it looks.
In addition, I can see some black bitumen on the kerb bottoms at a number of locations (though the large majority are not affected), which can occur when laying the bitumen, prior to the chippings.
To further address the issues you have raised on behalf of the affected residents of the estate, we intend to complete the following works:
- We will get a highways team to attend the estate, to address any further areas of scuffing/tracking. They will apply the 3mm aggregate to the locations affected. They will do this by hand, to reduce the likely hood of any dust issues where practicable. As previously detailed, for this to be as effective as practicable, it will need to be completed where the temperature is between 20 and 25c, so the aggregate binds into the surface bitumen. We will inform you when the team are going to visit the estate. This operation will take a few days so we can ensure we treat all of the key locations identified.
- Once this treatment on the additional locations has bedded in and settled down, we will sweep the key areas treated, which will remove some of the excess fine chippings and dust and hopefully, improve how the treatment with the general surface dressing looks.
- We will then monitor the estate and should we have further prolonged very hot weather, treat any further locations as necessary & follow up with a sweep of treated locations, should this be required.
- Regarding the black bitumen on the kerb bottoms, we will treat this with a method that removes this via an enclosed jet spray, which will hopefully remove the bitumen from the kerb bottoms and provide for an improved look in terms of aesthetics. We will inform you when this work is due to take place
- As I have previously detailed, if there are any outstanding areas that the above approach does not resolve, we can consider using ‘Water texturing’. This is in effect a very focussed high powered jet water spray, which takes off the top layer of any exposed bitumen. However, its use is generally restricted to the Autumn, as you need road temperatures to be low, so it works as effectively as practicable. We will review the Estate later in the year in respect of this approach and its viability for any identified locations as necessary.”
Marcus added, “Rest assured I will be vigorously pursuing this issue on behalf of all Spennells residents. I will also be providing an update on double yellow lines and pavements in Captains Pool Road over the next few days.”
Marcus can be contacted on [email protected] or on 01562 851769.